Tag: Fiscal Responsibility

Daines Statement on House Democrats’ Passage of Plan for Trillions in Reckless Tax and Spending

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines released the following statement after the United States House of Representatives voted to pass the $4 trillion budget resolution with a commitment to vote on the $1 trillion infrastructure package next month. “We knew all along Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats would prioritize their far-Left agenda over the needs of the American people. The Democrats had always planned to force their liberal wish-list of social policies through Congress with or without the support of Republicans. It is astonishing that as Montanans are already facing skyrocketing prices and soaring inflation, Democrats believe the best solution is to grow the government, spend more money we don’t have and impose taxes on hardworking

Daines to Biden: Renominate Jerome Powell to the Federal Reserve for Economic Stability

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines urged President Biden to renominate Jerome Powell for another term as Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve to promote economic stability and further the economic recovery. “In order to promote continued economic stability, I respectfully urge you to renominate Jerome Powell as Chair of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors,” Daines said. “I believe doing so would send a strong signal to households, businesses, and consumers that the head of the Federal Reserve continues to enjoy broad bipartisan support, and will act as necessary to achieve its dual mandate of price stability and maximum employment. In

Daines Statement on the Democrats’ Newly Unveiled Disastrous $4 Trillion Reckless Tax and Spending Bill

U.S. SENATE —Today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines released the following statement after Senate Democrats unveiled the details of their $4 trillion budget resolution that will radically expand the federal government, increase taxes for Montana families and businesses and put a massive amount of debt on the backs of Montanans. “Montanans are already grappling with soaring inflation and skyrocketing prices on everything from gas, to housing costs, to groceries. The reckless tax and spending spree bill the Democrats are now pushing will do nothing but hurt hardworking Montana families, small businesses, farmers and ranchers,” Daines said. “This behemoth of a spending bill is packed with far Left,

Daines Statement on Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Budget Resolution

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines made the following statement after Senate Democrats announced a massive $3.5 trillion spending plan with major tax increases: “Just yesterday, Montana families woke up to more disastrous news on inflation, which is at a 13-year high, and they are quickly being priced out of affording everyday necessities like food and gasoline. Democrats are foolish to think a massive $3.5 trillion tax and spend plan will help Montana families. Montanans don’t want bigger government and bigger government is not the answer. They want to keep their hard-earned dollars and they want those dollars to be worth something

Daines: Biden Budget is Reckless, Packed with Wasteful Spending that will Hurt MT Families, Businesses & Jobs

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement after President Biden submitted his budget request to Congress. “The President’s budget is packed with wasteful spending that will strap future generations with trillions of dollars in debt to advance his liberal agenda,” Daines said. “Included in this budget are billions of taxpayer dollars for Planned Parenthood and more of Biden’s anti-energy agenda that will kill Montana jobs and raise costs for Montana families. This massive tax and spend proposal must be defeated.” ### Contact: Katherine McKeogh, Katie Schoettler

Daines to Introduce Bill to Prevent Taxpayer Funded Handouts for Illegal Immigrants

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines announced he will introduce a bill to stop taxpayer dollars from going to states that are making any direct or indirect payments to illegal immigrants. This follows news that New York will be providing close to $2.1 billion to illegal immigrants which could then be covered by funding from the $1.9 trillion spending package. “It’s outrageous that while millions of American workers are still hurting, and in the midst of a border crisis created by President Biden, that we have states handing out taxpayer dollars to illegal immigrants. We should not be rewarding Biden’s open border policies by

Daines Slams Biden’s 2022 Draft Budget as Liberal Agenda, Wasteful Spending

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines released the following statement upon President Biden submitting his draft FY22 budget request to Congress. “President Biden’s budget is a progressive’s dream with top priorities including billions for Planned Parenthood, gun control, the anti-energy agenda, a massive expansion of the federal government, and zero funding for the border wall. A budget that increases domestic spending by 16 percent, on the heels of $6 trillion in spending over the past 12 months, combined with a separate $2.5 trillion ‘infrastructure’ proposal is reckless,” Daines said. “I am committed to protecting Montana taxpayers, fighting against this wasteful spending, and bringing accountability and commonsense

Daines Votes Against Massive Wasteful Spending, Liberal Priorities Disguised as COVID Relief

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today voted against a massive $1.9 trillion package filled to the brim with wasteful, non-COVID-19 related spending.  “I voted against wasting over $1 trillion of taxpayer money on liberal wish list priorities for President Biden, Schumer and Pelosi disguised as COVID relief. Shoveling all this money into an economy that is on the rebound is deeply irresponsible and will cause our debt to soar to new heights. Its partisanship is exceeded only by its recklessness. Montana taxpayers deserve better,” Daines said.  While only 9% of the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion package actually went to combatting the core health needs of the pandemic, it did include billions of dollars

Daines Votes No on Budget Deal, Slams Out of Control Government Spending

U.S. SENATE– U.S. Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement on his vote against increasing the federal debt ceiling and government spending:  “I voted no on the budget deal today. It is absolutely irresponsible for Washington to increase the limit on the nation’s credit card while busting the budget and increasing government spending by hundreds of billions with no effort to reform out of control spending and deficits,” Daines said. “We need reforms like my Balanced Budget Accountability Act that holds Congress accountable by withholding their pay if they don’t pass a budget that balances.” Background:  Daines has always been

Daines Applauds House Passage of the REINS Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today applauded the House passage of H.R. 427, the Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, commonsense legislation that will bring much-needed accountability and transparency to the federal regulatory process: “It’s time to rein in Washington’s overbearing, costly regulations and provide Montana families, business owners, and hardworking taxpayers with the relief they deserve,” Daines stated. “Montana small businesses know far too well the cost of Washington’s top-down unchecked ability to issue burdensome regulations. Today, the House took the necessary step forward to bring much-needed accountability to the regulatory process and I urge Senate leadership to take up