Tag: Fiscal Responsibility

Daines Succeeds in Blocking Biden’s $450,000 Payments to Illegal Immigrants

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines announced that after leading the charge to stop President Biden from giving hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to illegal immigrants who broke the law, Biden has backed off this effort and these settlement payments will not happen. “It’s about time. I’m glad my call to end the outrageous idea of giving hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to illegal immigrants who broke the law was successful,” Daines said. “Now, President Biden must finally secure the southern border and end his border crisis for good.”   Background:  Daines has been leading the charge in the Senate

Daines Statement on New CBO Score Showing Biden’s Tax and Spend Spree Will Add $3 Trillion to Debt

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines released the following statement after the nonpartisan U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a new analysis showing that the true cost of President Biden and Congressional Democrats’ reckless tax and spend spree bill will add $3 trillion to the national debt over the next 10 years.  “The nonpartisan budget analysis shows that the true cost of President Biden and Congressional Democrats’ reckless tax & spending spree will increase the national debt by $3 trillion. The Democrats can no longer continue to mislead the American people that this is ‘paid for.’ It’s not. To the Democrats, like the

Daines Statement on Record Inflation Numbers

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines released the following statement on the new inflation numbers released today. In November, inflation reached 6.8% from the previous year, the fastest increase since 1982.  “This morning’s new inflation numbers are the worst we’ve seen in nearly 40 years. This is a direct result of President Joe Biden and the Democrats’ wasteful spending policies, which are hurting everyday Montanans’ quality of life. Their multitrillion dollar reckless tax and spending spree bill will only make matters much, much worse. Montana families cannot afford this,” Daines said.  Montana families are paying more for almost everything from gas to groceries to heating their

Daines Statement on House Passage of Multitrillion Dollar Tax & Spending Spree

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today made the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed a multitrillion reckless tax and spending spree bill that will increase the deficit by nearly $800 BILLION over five years, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. The bill will significantly exacerbate the current inflationary crisis and raise taxes on Montana families, workers and small businesses. “The Democrats are pushing their far-Left socialist wish list through Congress without a care in the world about how it will affect Montana families, small businesses and workers,” Daines said. “President Biden and the Democrats’ reckless tax and spending spree is socialism on a runaway

Daines Slams Biden Admin for Inflation Crisis, Anti-American Energy Policies Leading to Higher Heating and Gas Costs for MT Families

U.S. SENATE — At a U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources hearing today, Senator Steve Daines called out President Biden’s inflationary crisis and war on Made in America energy that has led to higher electricity and energy costs for Montanans. Daines warned that this problem will only get worse if Biden and the Democrats pass their reckless tax and spending spree that furthers the Left’s agenda to eliminate conventional sources of energy. To watch Daines’ full remarks, click HERE. “According to the Energy Information Administration, Montanans who heat their homes with natural gas are expected to pay almost 24% more this winter

Daines Statement on U.S. House Action on Several Trillion Dollars in Tax and Spending Proposals

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines made the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives moved to pass several trillion dollars in reckless tax and spend proposals that will hurt Montana:  “From the beginning of this debate, I warned the Democrats will use the massive ‘infrastructure’ spending proposal as a stepping stone to pass their larger, reckless tax and spending spree that will push the U.S. down the path of socialism—we saw that happen in the House last night. Both proposals will significantly increase the national debt and represent one of the largest expansions of the federal government in history. President Biden and the Democrats’ reckless proposals

Daines: Democrats’ Reckless Tax & Spending Spree Puts Gov’t Between Montanans & their Doctor

U.S. SENATE — At a U.S. Senate Finance Committee hearing this week, Senator Steve Daines called attention to health care policies in the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion reckless tax and spending spree bill that would create new entitlement programs, reduce private health coverage, and push Americans onto government-run health insurance. Watch and download the Senator’s remarks HERE. “President Biden and the Democrats are pushing a big government, $3.5 trillion reckless tax and spending spree that will reshape the foundation of America, create new entitlement programs, and increase Americans’ dependence on government-subsidized, government-controlled insurance coverage. It will further increase Washington’s control over Americans’ lives, including

Daines Votes Against Fiscal Insanity

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today voted to oppose Washington’s fiscal insanity. “I voted against fiscal insanity today. Congress must get its fiscal house in order and it is irresponsible for Congress to increase the nation’s debt limit without taking any steps to actually reduce the debt itself. If the Democrats are going to use a partisan process to pass a massive tax & spending spree bill, they can use the same process to raise the debt ceiling,” Daines said. #### Contact: Katherine McKeogh, Katie Schoettler

Daines Blasts Biden’s Proposal Requiring Financial Institutions to Report Montanans’ Information to the IRSDaines Blasts Biden’s Proposal Requiring Financial Institutions to Report Montanans’ Information to the IRS

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines is urging President Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to protect Montanans’ financial privacy and abandon the Biden administration’s unprecedented proposal to force banks and other financial institutions to report customer information, such as deposits or withdrawals of as little as $600, directly to the IRS. At a U.S. Senate hearing today, Daines raised his concerns that this proposal would be especially burdensome for smaller banks and credit unions in Montana, which would be required to submit additional information to the IRS on nearly all of their customers. Watch and download the remarks HERE. Then

Daines: Democrats’ Reckless $3.5 Trillion Tax & Spending Spree will Increase Taxes on Montana Workers, Families, Small Businesses

U.S. SENATE— U.S. Senator Steve Daines today spoke on the floor of the United States Senate urging his colleagues to oppose Congressional Democrats’ reckless $3.5 trillion tax and spending spree bill. The Democrats’ proposed bill would push America down the path of socialism and force Montanans to pay for it through massive new tax hikes. To watch the full speech, click HERE. Daines’ remarks as prepared for delivery: “I rise today to join my colleagues in speaking out against the Democrats’ reckless $3.5 trillion dollar tax and spending spree bill that Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are rushing through Congress.   “This is the largest spending bill in our nation’s