Tag: Government Accountability

Daines: The IRS is Failing Montanans

Daines Underscores Need to Reform IRS Services, Tax Code as Tax Season Begins  WASHINGTON, D.C. — On the first day of tax season, Senator Steve Daines is calling for reforms to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) operations in light of a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report revealing that nearly 62 percent of callers who wanted to speak with an IRS representative were unable to receive assistance.  “As this year’s tax season begins today, we are once again reminded of the consistent shortcomings displayed by the IRS,” Daines stated. “Our tax code is nearly five times as long as the Bible, but with none of

Daines Helps Reintroduce “Audit the Fed”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today helped reintroduce the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2015, widely known as “Audit the Fed.”  The bill eliminates restrictions on Government Accountability Office audits of the Federal Reserve and mandates that the Federal Reserve’s credit facilities, securities purchases, and quantitative easing activities be subject to congressional oversight.  “The Federal Reserve System was established one hundred years ago with the intent of managing our country’s money supply for greater financial stability. We need to conduct a serious review of our nation’s monetary policy with a view of returning to normalcy,” Daines stated. “We must have an open and

Daines Works to Remove Barriers to Tribal Energy Development

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today investigated the barriers holding back Montana tribes from developing energy resources on their lands and called on the Obama administration to improve meaningful consultation with tribes during the federal decision making process.  During a Senate Indian Affairs oversight hearing on the Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) report on Indian Energy Development, Daines pressed Larry Roberts, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs at the Department of Interior on the unnecessary bureaucracy and lack of communication that has long-hindered tribal energy development.  “As the GAO reports and our witnesses today tell us, energy development on

Daines Statement on Resignation of OPM Director

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement in response to the resignation of Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Director Katherine Archuleta. “Director Archuleta’s resignation is an important first step in restoring accountability at OPM—however, OPM’s consistent failure to properly address and react to these cyber attacks results from a much larger, systemic lack of accountability within the Obama administration,” Daines stated. “It’s time for President Obama to place a higher premium on our nation’s security and the privacy of our federal employees and put qualified, competent leaders in place, including a new Chief Information Officer, instead of

Daines: Latest OPM Report Affirms Need for New Leadership

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today reiterated his calls for new leadership at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) in light of new reports that more than 21.5 Americans were victims of a mass breach of the OPM’s personnel database. This reported hack is in addition to the more than 4.2 million breached records originally announced by OPM last month. “The systemic failures and lack of accountability at OPM is staggering and completely unacceptable.  The breach reported today is five times larger than OPM’s initial reports and not only affects federal employees, but employees’ family and friends, government contractors and countless

Daines Joins Cavuto to Discuss OPM Hack

Senator Steve Daines today reiterated his call for Director Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Katherine Archuleta to step down amid serious concerns that under her watch, OPM failed to address major security flaws and systemic problems leading to the largest ever breach of federal employees’ personal information.  In the interview, Daines also called for the resignation of Donna Seymour the Chief Information Office (CIO) for OPM. “We need to hold the government accountable to standards we hold people in the private sector accountable to. The director should be let go, I think the CIO as well at OPM should be fired. This is unacceptable, it

Daines: OPM Director Should Step Down

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today called on Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Katherine Archuleta to step down in light of recent reports that due to failures in OPM’s security, an estimated 18 million current, former and prospective federal employees were victims of a mass cyber breach. “Under Katherine Archuleta’s watch, OPM allowed one of the largest breaches of federal employees’ personal information in our nation’s history. More, Ms. Archuleta has refused to take accountability for this great failure – in turn failing the American people, whom she swore an oath to protect and defend,” Daines

Daines Urges Commerce Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing on PHMSA

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines is calling on the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee to hold an oversight hearing on the reauthorization of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). In a letter to Chairman John Thune (R-SD), Daines urged the Committee to convene a hearing on the reauthorization PHMSA to examine the federal government’s responsibility in ensuring safe and environmentally sound transportation of natural resources through America’s pipelines, railroads, highways, waterways and airspace. Daines’ calls come in light of the millions of miles of pipeline across Montana and the need to upgrade and better maintain failing pipelines.

Daines Statement on Reported Chinese Cyber Attacks

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement in response to reports that Chinese hackers have accessed the private security clearance information of millions of military and intelligence personnel: “Reports that Chinese hackers have hacked into private security clearance information from our nation’s military and intelligence agencies is deeply concerning and could have devastating implications for our national security. This is the second major cyber attack on the federal government in just a week, and it is deeply troubling that the Obama administration has yet to prioritize addressing this serious problem.  These attacks reaffirm the importance of strengthening