National Security

We must support the brave Americans stationed abroad who work tirelessly to keep our nation and world safe. We must also maintain a strong partnership with our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel. As your Senator, I have had the opportunity to visit with foreign leaders in Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan, and witnessed firsthand the turmoil in the Middle East. Hearing directly from the leaders of these nations reaffirms the importance of our relationship with Israel and having a coherent strategy in the region.

On a daily basis, we are reminded of the growing threat of a nuclear Iran or North Korea. We see the threats of radical Islamic terrorism with ISIS in Iraq and Syria, Boko Haram in Nigeria and the Houthis in Yemen. The United States must remain vigilant and work closely with our overseas allies to promote global security and eliminate these threats.

It is also critical to recognize that the time has passed where America can be complacent as it relates to its policies towards China. China poses a very real threat to our national security, whether it’s their military investments, economic development via forced technology transfers, outright theft or China’s rapidly developing and innovative tech sector. The United States needs a long-term plan to compete and deal with China’s rising economic and geopolitical influence.

Montana’s rich natural resources not only help power our country, but also contributes to and bolsters our national security. Many of the regions filled with turmoil also supply much of the world’s oil and natural gas. Our energy security isn’t just about jobs and low energy prices– it’s directly tied to our national security.

Daines Applauds Passage of the National Defense Authorization Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today applauded the overwhelming bipartisan passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which provides critical support for the nation’s military and national security. “Montana is playing a critical role in meeting our nation’s security and military needs and this bill provides the support our men and women in uniform need to carry out their missions,” Daines stated. “The NDAA prioritizes the needs of our service members, while protecting the important role that Montana holds in our national defense. I urge President Obama to drop his veto threat and stand with Congress, the American people and our troops

Daines Statement on Reported Russian Cyber Attack

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement in response to reports that Russia hacked the Pentagon’s unclassified email system: “Reports that Russian hackers—possibly sanctioned by the Russian government—hacked into the Joint Chiefs of Staff email servers nearly two weeks ago are deeply concerning.  This is the third known major cyber attack on the federal government unearthed this summer, and we still have yet to see a full report on the depth of the hack at the Office of Personnel Management. It’s unacceptable that the Obama administration has not yet addressed these serious holes in our nation’s

Daines: Privacy and Security Both Matter in Cyber Reforms

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today underscored the importance of enhancing America’s cybersecurity infrastructure while striking the right balance between protecting Americans from borderless cyber criminals and protecting Americans’ privacy. Daines made the following remarks on the Senate floor this morning: “As I like to say, there are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked and those who know they have been hacked. “This was recently seen at J.P Morgan Chase. “Last summer, the company suffered a cyber attack that involved the theft of contact information for about 76 million households. “In the aftermath, J.P. Morgan

Daines: Our Country’s Most Sensitive Data Can Be in the Hands of Our Enemies

“We must act more quickly and more nimbly than those seeking to wage a terrorist attack on our nation’s cybersecurity infrastructure.” WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines, a member of the Senate Commerce Committee, today emphasized the growing threat of a serious cyber attack from the Islamic State— including the potential to penetrate America’s vehicles, like the risk that spurred the recent recall from Fiat Chrysler.  “Recent news reminds us that we must also consider the security of the cars that are driving on our roadways. In fact, just in the past week news broke that Fiat Chrysler announced the recall

Daines Secures Much-Needed Reforms for America’s Cybersecurity, Postal Service, Financial Services Sector

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today secured provisions to safeguard American’s cyber infrastructure, protect rural postal service, reduce regulatory burdens and help Montana community banks and credit unions better serve their customers.  Daines joined the Senate Appropriations Committee today in approving the FY2016 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act. Daines secured key provisions to maintain six-day delivery through FY16 and urge the U.S. Postal Service to make good-faith efforts to either renew postal contract station agreements or find suitable alternatives to serve rural areas. In light of the Office and Personnel Management’s failure to report on numerous occasions

In Case You Missed It: Daines on Protecting our Military Recruiters, Latest Developments on Iran Deal

“The fastest way to stop a bad guy with a gun – is a good guy with a gun.”  WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today appeared on CNN, Fox News and Fox Business to speak on the importance of his bill, the SEMPER FI Act, which would allow military officers and non-commissioned officers the ability to carry a firearm at military recruitment centers. Daines underscored the crucial need for our men and women in uniform to be able to protect and defend themselves. Additionally, Daines joined Fox Business to discuss the latest developments on the Iran Deal. In the

Daines: Americans Shouldn’t Have to Pay the Price for Obama Administration’s OPM Hack

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines, a member of the Senate Commerce Committee, today highlighted the growing cyber-warfare threats facing our nation, and the incompetence of the Obama administration that led to a massive breach of personal and security information at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) that resulted in the resignation of Director Katherine Archuleta. Click here to watch Daines’ speech. Click here to download Daines’ speech. Daines made the following remarks on the Senate floor this evening: “Mr. President, the headlines in the past few months have been enough to paint a startling picture of how our nation is handling cybersecurity and technology issues these days.  “Before I came to

Daines Statement on the UN Security Council Iran Vote

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement after the United Nations (UN) Security Council voted unanimously to approve the P5+1 deal with Iran, the world’s leading state-sponsor of terrorism: “The President taking the deal with Iran to the United Nations before Congress even had its first full day to review the deal is an affront to the American people. The UN’s vote will not corner Congress into rubberstamping a bad deal. The actions taken by the President make clear that he is more concerned with his legacy than ensuring the safety of the American people. This

Daines Applauds Air Force Decision to Maintain RED HORSE Unit at Malmstrom

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today applauded news that the 819th RED HORSE squadron will remain stationed at Montana’s Malmstrom Air Force Base. “This is great news for Malmstrom, the Great Falls community and the state of Montana,” Daines stated. “The 819th RED HORSE unit at Malmstrom Air Force Base holds an important role in our national security and is a critical partner for the Montana Air National Guard’s 219th RED HORSE unit. I’m thankful that the Air Force has recognized the importance of maintaining an active RED HORSE unit at Malmstrom, but our work to protect this critical