Daines Slams DirecTV for Removing Conservative Outlet

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today sent a letter to DirecTV CEO, Bill Morrow, raising concerns about the company’s decision to remove conservative network One America News Network (OAN) from their platform.

“There has not been sufficient justification from DirecTV as to why OAN’s contract was not renewed by your company. A vague “routine internal review” and the lack of transparency with the viewers of OAN in Montana in your decision making process is unacceptable and has the appearance of targeting supporters of former President Donald Trump,” Daines wrote. “In many parts of Montana, satellite television and DirecTV is the only option for live television. It is important to have a range of media outlets in today’s political atmosphere and by removing conservative content such as OAN on your platform; you are hindering Montanans ability to view their preferred outlet.”

Read the full letter HERE


Daines has been leading the fight to hold big tech accountable and protect conservative content.

In December, Daines hand-delivered a letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, calling on Google to reverse its September 13th ban on Live Action’s pro-life advertisements promoting Heartbeat International’s Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) hotline.

In October, Daines slammed Google for the unjust censorship of the American Principles Project (APP) YouTube account and demanded answers on how the decision to censor another conservative group was made. 

In July, Daines introduced a bill to crack down on big tech and online platforms’ ability to discriminate against users based on their political speech and beliefs.



 Contact: Rachel Dumke, Katie Schoettler