Tag: tribal lands

Daines Talks Tribal Safety, Sovereignty, and Ag Priorities at Indian Affairs Hearing

U.S. SENATE—U.S. Senator Steve Daines today at a Senate Committee on Indian Affairs oversight hearing questioned witnesses on important issues facing Montana tribes, including public safety, tribal sovereignty, water settlements, forest management and agriculture. Daines highlighted the importance of helping Montana tribes maintain their own law enforcement instead of relying on Washington, D.C. for solutions.   Daines on the Need to Give Tribes More Control Over Their Law Enforcement “Public safety has been a top priority of mine for years and yet I continue to hear the same concerns from our tribes. I’ve written countless letters and nothing changes. The BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) expects us to just provide them more funding and the

Daines, Zinke Introduce Legislation to Give States & Tribes Say in Energy Development

U.S. CONGRESS — U.S. Senator Steve Daines and U.S. Representative Ryan Zinke today introduced bicameral legislation to protect Montana coal jobs from the Obama administration’s recent moratorium on new federal coal leases and ensure that states and tribes have a significant voice in any changes to federal coal, oil, gas royalties or leasing policy. The Certainty for States and Tribes Act, S.2938 and H.R. 5259, provides critical flexibility needed to keep Montana mines open, protect thousands of good-paying jobs and provide needed support for government and community services.  “The Obama administration has completely ignored the will and well-being of Montanans and

Daines Pushes to Reduce Red Tape in Forest Management on Federal, Tribal Lands

U.S. SENATE — Senator Steve Daines today pushed to find solutions to increase active forest management by reducing red tape on federal lands, including lands adjacent to tribal lands. During this morning’s Senate Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies on the U.S. Forest Service’s Fiscal Year 2017 budget, Daines commended the Forest Service for progress on implementation of the 2014 Farm Bill, while expressing his dismay that it’s not being completed at an adequate pace. “As you are aware, nearly five million acres in Montana were designated as insect and disease areas under the 2014 Farm Bill,” Daines