Tag: Sage Grouse

Daines Statement on Department of Interior’s Sage Grouse Announcement

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on the Department of the Interior’s sage grouse announcement:  “While it is good news that the sage grouse is not listed as an endangered species, I remain concerned that the Obama administration’s land-use plans will have a harmful impact on Montana’s economy, our land users and Montanans’ way of life. The fact remains, sage grouse numbers have increased in the west by nearly two-thirds since 2013. Montana needs to continue take the lead on sage grouse conservation and I hope BLM can revise their plans to allow Montana to do so. Because a sage

Daines Statement on BLM and USFS’s Greater Sage-Grouse Plan

“Obama Administration’s Land Use Plans Are One-Size-Fits-None” WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today expressed his deep concerns about the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Forest Service’s (USFS) newly released federal plan to manage the greater sage-grouse habitat. “We can’t protect the greater sage-grouse in a checkerboard-like fashion — after all, the bird can’t tell the difference between federal, state and private lands. I have serious concerns that the Obama administration’s land-use plans will have a detrimental impact on Montana’s economy, our land users and Montanans’ way of life. It’s the people of Montana, not federal bureaucrats

Daines Works to Prioritize State Based Sage Grouse Conservation Plans

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today helped introduce legislation that prioritizes state-created conservation and management plans for the recovery of the Sage Grouse. Daines is an original cosponsor of S. 1036, the Sage-Grouse Protection and Conservation Act, which would require the Department of the Interior to share scientific data with states, assist states in crafting and implementing their plans, and recognize the state plans for a minimum of six years. The Act empowers states to take the lead in Sage Grouse conservation while preventing a listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). “Montana is best equipped to manage and

Daines Calls for Montana Solutions to Land Management, Coal Jobs and Increasing Access to Public Lands

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today advocated for the Department of Interior to better incorporate Montana-driven solutions in the management of Montana’s public lands, energy resources and wildlife habitats. During this morning’s Senate Committee on Appropriations hearing on the Department of Interior’s fiscal year 2016 budget request, Daines pressed Interior Secretary Sally Jewell to work more collaboratively with Montana in the conservation and management of the state’s sage grouse population. Daines also called for Department funds to be better utilized to expand access to public lands and pushed back against the Department’s recently proposed energy regulations that could have

Daines Calls on Obama Administration to Lift Barriers to Montana Energy Production

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today condemned the Obama administration’s refusal to embrace an “all-of-the-above” energy strategy and called on Interior Secretary Sally Jewell to revise Department of Interior policies that stand in the way of Montana tribes’ ability to develop their coal resources and create good paying jobs. During this morning’s Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on the Interior Department’s budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2016, Daines pressed Jewell to also reduce the bureaucratic overreach limiting new oil and gas permitting in eastern Montana and ensure the state of Montana has primacy in developing and implementing