Tag: Refugee

RECAP: Daines’ Bipartisan Senate Trip to Poland, Germany to Discuss Russian Invasion of Ukraine

U.S. SENATE — Following Daines’ bipartisan Senate delegation trip to Poland and Germany where he met with U.S. military leaders, NATO forces and NGOs to discuss Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, he issued the following statement:  “There is good and evil in this world, and we saw that firsthand with Putin’s war of aggression against the people of Ukraine. Meeting with U.S. military leaders, NATO forces and NGOs in Poland and Germany allowed us to gain greater insight into Russia’s invasion, including the terrible humanitarian crisis that it’s created and the importance of having a strong military and energy security,” Daines said. “In Berlin,

Daines Blasts Senate Dems’ Refusal to Allow Debate on Syrian Refugee Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today expressed his disappointment in Senate Democrats’ refusal to allow debate on legislation that would increase security and screening measures for refugees seeking to enter the United States.  “It is Congress’s responsibility to ensure the safety and security of our nation, but today Senate Democrats proved they would rather play politics than prioritize our national security,” Daines stated. “The SAFE Act is commonsense legislation that institutes a much-needed intensive screening process for incoming Syrian refugees. We are at war with radical Islamic extremism and it is irresponsible to accept anything less than a 100 percent verification of

Daines, Zinke Urge Governor Bullock to Block the Relocation of Syrian Refugees to Montana

WASHINGTON, D.C. —Montana Senator Steve Daines and Representative Ryan Zinke today urged Montana Governor Steve Bullock to block any efforts from the federal government to move Syrian refugees to Montana until exhaustive and comprehensive background checks can be completed. In a letter to Bullock, Daines and Zinke stressed the importance of prioritizing Montanans’ safety and security by refusing Syrian refugees until there is 100 percent confidence in these refugees’ backgrounds. At present, the state of Montana has not disallowed Syrian refugees from settling in Montana. “We write to urge you to object to any efforts by the federal government to place

Daines to President Obama: U.S. Should Not Accept Syrian Refugees

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today called on President Obama to stop the United States from taking in Syrian refugees: “Until we have the capability to complete comprehensive and exhaustive background checks on Syrian refugees before they reach our shores, the United States should immediately stop taking in new refugees from the region. We are at war with Islamic extremists and anything less than 100% verification of these refugees’ backgrounds puts our national security at risk.  “While I have strong sympathy for those caught in the conflict in Syria and the region, the President’s current plan to take in 10,000 Syrian