Tag: Overregulation

Daines, Alexander Introduce Legislation to Halt Over-Regulation of Legal Ivory

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senators Steve Daines (R-MT) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) today introduced legislation to halt the Obama administration’s over-regulation of lawfully owned ivory found in antique firearms, musical instruments and other family heirlooms and antiques often sought by collectors. The African Elephant Conservation and Legal Ivory Possession Act of 2015 ends the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s unilateral moratorium on the importation, exportation, and sale of lawfully possessed ivory, while also making significant efforts to assist anti-poaching efforts in countries with elephant populations. “It’s senseless that the Obama administration wants to retroactively penalize Montanans who have legally owned ivory-containing antique firearms, musical

Daines Statement on AG Lawsuit to Rein in EPA Overreach

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on Montana Attorney General Tim Fox and 12 other states’ lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) over the new regulation broadly expanding the definition of the Waters of the United States rule (WOTUS). “I applaud Attorney General Tim Fox for standing up for Montana farmers, ranchers and small businesses against another egregious power grab by the Obama administration. This rule has the capability to cripple Montana agriculture and natural resources, hurt Montana jobs and threaten Montanans’ property rights.  As

Daines Statement on Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA et. al.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s ruling in Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA et. al.: “The Court took an important step today to help ensure the EPA takes into account the true cost of excessive regulations on the American people, their jobs and their livelihoods. This rule is just one of the numerous burdensome regulations the Obama administration has cooked up that has the potential to eliminate good paying jobs and devastate the livelihoods of hardworking American families. “But while today’s ruling is welcome news, Montanans have already seen the real

Daines Fights for Montana Transportation Priorities

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today helped move forward key provisions important to Montana transportation and public safety. Daines joined the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee today in moving forward the “Railroad Reform, Enhancement, and Efficiency Act,” which reauthorizes Amtrak services. Daines successfully included an amendment requiring Amtrak to evaluate options for establishing additional Amtrak stops that would have a positive financial impact to Amtrak, including a potential station in Culbertson, Montana. Daines’ amendment also requires evaluation of options to enhance economic development and accessibility of Amtrak stations and their surrounding areas. In the “Transportation, Housing and Urban