Tag: FIND Act

Daines Leads Colleagues to Crack Down on Anti-Second Amendment Woke Corporations

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines led a group of his colleagues today in introducing the “Firearm Industry Non-Discrimination Act” to stop the federal government from entering into contracts with entities that promote anti-Second Amendment policies. “The Constitution is clear—the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, especially not by woke corporations that are taking Montanans’ hard-earned taxpayer dollars. We must send a clear message to these anti-Second Amendment companies that infringing on Americans’ Constitutional rights is unacceptable,” Daines said. Read the “FIND Act” bill text HERE. Senators Jim Risch (Idaho), Cindy Hyde-Smith (Miss.), Roger Marshall (Kans.), Rick Scott (Fla.), Mike Crapo