Tag: Department of Interior

Daines, Zinke Introduce Legislation to Give States & Tribes Say in Energy Development

U.S. CONGRESS — U.S. Senator Steve Daines and U.S. Representative Ryan Zinke today introduced bicameral legislation to protect Montana coal jobs from the Obama administration’s recent moratorium on new federal coal leases and ensure that states and tribes have a significant voice in any changes to federal coal, oil, gas royalties or leasing policy. The Certainty for States and Tribes Act, S.2938 and H.R. 5259, provides critical flexibility needed to keep Montana mines open, protect thousands of good-paying jobs and provide needed support for government and community services.  “The Obama administration has completely ignored the will and well-being of Montanans and

Daines Calls on Interior Secretary Jewell to Visit Colstrip, Crow Reservation During Upcoming Travel to Montana

U.S. SENATE —Senator Steve Daines today called on Department of Interior Secretary Sally Jewell to tour Colstrip and the Crow Reservation during her upcoming travel to Montana. “Secretary Jewell needs to hear directly from the people impacted by Interior’s actions and come to communities like Colstrip and the Crow Reservation to see what it means for Montana families,” Daines stated. “We’ve already seen layoffs in coal communities across our state as a result of the Obama administration’s war on coal. I encourage Secretary Jewell to meet with folks in Colstrip and the Crow tribe to hear directly from them about the impact of

Montana Receives Almost $900,000 for Local LWCF Projects

U.S. SENATE – Senator Steve Daines today announced that Montana will receive $896,436 in fiscal year 2016 stateside funding from the United States Department of Interior (DOI) Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) to support conservation and recreation projects in local communities.  “Like so many Montanans, I know firsthand that hunting, fishing and access to public lands is part of our way of life and the LWCF is an important and successful tool that expands access and increase recreational opportunities on our public land,” said Daines, Montana’s only member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “I’m pleased that Montana will

Daines Slams Interior Secretary for Failing to Listen to States and Tribes in Moratorium on Coal Leasing

U.S. SENATE — Senator Steve Daines today took the Obama administration to task for failing to properly take into account states’ and tribes’ voices in placing a misguided moratorium on coal leasing.  During this morning’s Senate Committee on Appropriations hearing on the Department of Interior’s (DOI) Fiscal Year 2017 budget request, Daines pressed Interior Secretary Sally Jewell to better incorporate Montanans voices in unilateral bureaucratic decisions that have the potential to severely cripple Montana’s coal industry.  “Several tribal members and others who rely on coal jobs to provide for their families expressed strong concern regarding potential administration actions during a

Daines Grills Interior Secretary Jewell on Coal Leasing Moratorium

U.S. SENATE — Senator Steve Daines today pressed the Department of Interior on their proposed review of the coal leasing program and the unwarranted moratorium on coal leasing. During this morning’s Senate Energy and Natural Resources hearing on the Department of Interior’s Fiscal Year 2017 budget request, Daines demanded answers from Interior Secretary Sally Jewell regarding the decision to place a moratorium on new coal leasing and for certainty in the Department’s plan.   “In Montana, we do see the moratorium on coal leasing as a direct assault on our state,” Daines stated. “Our state relies on production of coal, including federal coal,