Tag: Construction

Daines Applauds Passage of Multi-Year Highway Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today applauded the passage of a multi-year highway bill that provides Montanans much-needed certainty in infrastructure investments:  “The long-overdue passage of a multi-year highway bill is great news for Montana and a critical step forward in providing our state with the certainty needed to make long-term infrastructure investments,” Daines stated. “Our transportation infrastructure is a critical component of our state’s economy and given Montana’s short construction season, it’s imperative that communities and contractors alike have the certainty needed to move forward with badly-needed infrastructure improvement projects.  This bill ends Congress’s irresponsible trend of short-term Band-Aids and temporary extensions

Daines: President Obama’s Rejection of the Keystone XL is an Affront to the American People

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today admonished President Barack Obama for rejecting TransCanada’s application to build the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline:  “It has taken more than seven years for President Obama to come clean with the American people and admit his anti-energy and anti-American jobs agenda. President Obama had an opportunity to help create good-paying jobs with the construction of the Keystone pipeline, but instead he chose to blatantly disregard the economic needs of this nation, the need for good-paying jobs, like union jobs, energy costs for Montana families and the will of the American people. The rejection of

Daines Calls on Senate to Take Up Rural Water Bills

WASHINGTON, D.C. —  Senator Steve Daines today reaffirmed his commitment to moving forward Montana rural water projects and called on the Senate to take up his bills to ensure the completion of authorized projects across Montana. During today’s Energy and Natural Resources hearing on western water legislation, Daines emphasized the challenges associated with inadequate water management in western communities, including many regions in Montana. “My bills would facilitate water delivery to over 23 million acres in Montana and millions more acres across the West for rural communities without good access to quality water supply today,” Daines stated. “If we are going to address

Daines, Klobuchar, Gardner Introduce Legislation to Expand Broadband Infrastructure

Legislation would increase broadband deployment by cutting red tape for companies, states, and local governments that want to install broadband infrastructure on federal land and promotes the simultaneous installation of underground broadband conduit during the construction of federal transportation projects  Yesterday the president of the Wireless Infrastructure Association announced his support for this important legislation at a Senate Commerce Committee hearing WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senators Steve Daines (R-MT), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Cory Gardner (R-CO) have introduced bipartisan legislation to expand broadband infrastructure. The Streamlining and Investing in Broadband Infrastructure Act would increase broadband deployment by cutting red tape for companies, states, and

Daines Blasts Senate Democrats’ Refusal to Fund the Department of Veterans Affairs

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today blasted Senate Democrats’ obstruction of the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, which provides critical funding for veterans services:  “Our nation’s heroes should have easy access to the resources, services and medical care that they need and deserve. It’s unconscionable that Senate Democrats would rather make our veterans pawns in political games. This legislation contains numerous important provisions to address Montana veterans’ long-standing concerns and it would be shameful to see these much-needed reforms fall victim to Democrats’ obstructionism. I urge Senate Democrats to quickly pass this legislation, which contains increased

Daines Leads Montana, North Dakota Congressional Delegations in Urging Army Corps of Engineers to Prioritize the Yellowstone Intake Diversion Dam

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today led the Montana and North Dakota congressional delegations in urging the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) and Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) to prioritize concerns at the Yellowstone Intake Diversion Dam.  In a letter to Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works Jo-Ellen Darcy and BOR Commissioner Estevan Lopez, the bipartisan delegations emphasized the economic benefit that the dam provides to both Montana and North Dakota.  On September 8, a federal judge blocked construction of the planned dam along the Yellowstone River near the Montana-North Dakota border due to environmental concerns. “We urge ACE and BOR to address the

Daines Calls for Long-Term Highway Bill on Senate Floor

“I’m looking forward to passing a long-term multi-year highway bill that provides certainty, that improves the infrastructure of our country, and most importantly, creates jobs.”  WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today took to the Senate floor to press for the need to pass a multi-year highway bill that provides Montana and the nation with the certainty needed to make long-term infrastructure investments. Daines made the following remarks on the Senate floor this morning: “What we need is to support a long-term highway bill. It creates construction jobs, it creates union jobs – that’s what sitting on the table right now and going to be debated this week in the United States

Daines Works to Move Forward Long-Term Highway Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines joined the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee last night in approving key components of a multi-year transportation bill and reaffirmed his call for Senate leadership to move forward a long-term highway bill that provides Montanans with much-needed certainty for infrastructure investments. “This vote is an important step forward in getting a long-term highway bill across the finish line. Montana’s short construction season is well underway, and it’s critical that Congress approves a multi-year solution that provides our state with the certainty needed to make long-term infrastructure investments. We need to quickly move forward

Daines’ Bills to Provide Critical Funding for Montana’s Rural Water Infrastructure Receive First Hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines’ bills to provide much-needed funding for Montana rural water infrastructure received their first Senate Energy and Natural Resources hearing today. Daines’ bills— S. 1552 the Clean Water for Rural Communities Act and S. 1365, the Authorized Rural Water Projects Completion Act – provide much-needed funding and authorization for the construction and completion of critical rural water infrastructure projects in Montana and other states. Daines’ remarks can be viewed here and downloaded here. “Water is a basic need of life. In Montana, we depend on a steady supply to irrigate our crops, water our livestock