Tag: Accountability

Daines Presses Highway Safety Administrator for Answers on Fire Truck Safety

Senator Steve Daines today pressed the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for answers about delayed recall efforts for a failing fire truck component that resulted in a deadly crash outside of Helena, Montana last summer. During today’s Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee hearing with NHTSA Administrator Mark Rosekind, Daines recalled the crash and pressed Rosekind as to why a full recall of the defective part has taken approximately one year to institute. Daines also pointed out that the component in question was a NHTSA approved solution to a previous recall in 2003, yet still was faulty – ultimately leading

Daines Urges Commerce Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing on PHMSA

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines is calling on the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee to hold an oversight hearing on the reauthorization of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). In a letter to Chairman John Thune (R-SD), Daines urged the Committee to convene a hearing on the reauthorization PHMSA to examine the federal government’s responsibility in ensuring safe and environmentally sound transportation of natural resources through America’s pipelines, railroads, highways, waterways and airspace. Daines’ calls come in light of the millions of miles of pipeline across Montana and the need to upgrade and better maintain failing pipelines.

Daines Statement on Reported Chinese Cyber Attacks

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement in response to reports that Chinese hackers have accessed the private security clearance information of millions of military and intelligence personnel: “Reports that Chinese hackers have hacked into private security clearance information from our nation’s military and intelligence agencies is deeply concerning and could have devastating implications for our national security. This is the second major cyber attack on the federal government in just a week, and it is deeply troubling that the Obama administration has yet to prioritize addressing this serious problem.  These attacks reaffirm the importance of strengthening

Daines Signs Onto Term Limits Bill

WASHINGTON, DC — Senator Steve Daines today announced that he has joined Senator David Vitter (R-LA) in introducing legislation that would establish term limits for members of Congress. The bill, S.J.Res.1, proposes a Constitutional amendment that would limit the number of terms that a member of Congress can hold to three terms in the House and two terms in the Senate. “Too often, career politicians lose sight of why they are in Washington, D.C. and who they are there to serve. When politicians become more focused on looking out for their own self-interest instead of the needs of their constituents,