Press Releases

Daines Statement on Biden Foreign Policy Address

U.S. Senator Steve Daines, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement regarding President Joe Biden’s foreign policy speech today: “Joe Biden’s foreign policy has been a disaster. From the 13 U.S. service members who were killed at Abbey Gate to not providing Israel and Ukraine the assistance they need in a timely manner, the Biden administration has projected nothing but weakness. As a result, the United States is less safe and the world less stable. This is why the American people voted for a new direction and when President Trump takes office a week from

Daines Introduces Bills to Combat Child Trafficking at the Southern Border

U.S. Senator Steve Daines this week introduced two bills to combat the abuse and trafficking of children at the southern border. The “End Child Trafficking Now Act” requires familial DNA testing at the southern border, and the “Preventing the Recycling of Immigrants is Necessary for Trafficking Suspension (PRINTS) Act” prevents the abusive practice of “child recycling” by giving U.S. Customs and Border patrol (CBP) the authority to fingerprint non-citizens under the age of 14 at the border. “Biden’s failure on the border crisis has resulted in a humanitarian crisis and the exploitation of our innocent children by gangs and cartels,” said Senator Daines.“We must put an end to this

Daines: If Members of Congress Can’t Balance the Budget, They Shouldn’t Get Paid 

U.S. SENATE – Senator Steve Daines today re-introduced the “Balanced Budget Accountability Act,” which holds members of Congress accountable to balance the federal budget or not get paid. This legislation is the first bill Daines introduces each Congress and would help address the nation’s spiraling debt crisis.  “Under Biden’s administration the national debt soared and inflation hammered Montana families. As we enter a new Congress with a Republican majority in the Senate and get our economy back on track, it’s past time we bring fiscal sanity back to Washington. If Congress can’t do its job and pass a balanced budget, members shouldn’t

Daines on Fox Business’ Kudlow: Trump is Most Powerful, Influential Leader in the World

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined Larry Kudlow on Fox Business’ Kudlow to discuss President’s Trump agenda ahead of the President’s meeting with Senate Republicans on Capitol Hill. Watch Daines’ remarks HERE. Daines on Meeting with President Trump: We’re just about an hour and fifteen minutes from meeting with the President. Larry, as we both know, there’s never been a more influential leader in America than President Trump. At this moment, he’s 12 days away from being sworn in, yet he is the de facto president of the United States as we speak. But even beyond that, he’s the most powerful, influential leader in the world and

Daines: “Grizzly Bear Management Belongs in the Hands of Montanans”

Slams Biden Administration for Moving the Goalposts on Recovery U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement today after the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service denied Montana and Wyoming’s petition to delist the grizzly bear in the Greater Yellowstone and Northern Continental Divide Ecosystems. “Today’s announcement is incredibly frustrating for Montana. For decades, Montana has followed the science and as a result, the bear has more than recovered in the Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystems. Continuing to move the goalposts on recovery is only harming the bear and putting our Montanan communities at risk. This is

Daines Calls Forest Service Withdrawal of Old Growth Amendment “Victory for Commonsense, Local Management of our Forests”

U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement today after the U.S. Forest Service announced it is withdrawing the National Old Growth Amendment draft environmental impact statement: “Montanans are sick of breathing in smoke and the Forest Service heard their concerns loud and clear. Today is a victory for commonsense local management of our forests. Now the folks on the ground can get back to managing our forests rather than bowing to the green lobby and getting bogged down in needless paperwork. Montana’s old growth forests are already protected by each individual Forest Plan, so this proposal would have simply delayed work

Daines Votes to Certify President-Elect Donald Trump’s Electoral College Victory

Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement today after voting to certify the election results. Senator Daines and Senator Sheehy on the House floor voting to certify the election. Download a video statement HERE. “The American people overwhelmingly elected Donald Trump and rejected the Left’s radical agenda in November, and today I was proud to certify the election results. I look forward to working with President Trump to secure our border, prevent massive tax hikes, unleash made-in-Montana energy and strengthen our national security. Under President Trump’s leadership, we will put American families, jobs and values first.”

Daines Lands Critical Committee Assignments for 119th Congress

U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced his committee assignments for the 119th Congress. Daines will serve on the U.S. Senate Committees on Finance, Foreign Relations, Energy and Natural Resources, and Indian Affairs. “It’s an honor to serve Montanans in the U.S. Senate and I’m looking forward to working with my colleagues on these crucial committees to fight for our Montana way of life. President Trump received a mandate from the American people, and with these committee assignments I’ll be working to enact the President’s agenda to unleash American energy, cut taxes, open overseas markets for Montana farmers and ranchers, improve America’s relationships abroad, bring down costs

Daines Hails Historic Day for Montana as Tim Sheehy is Sworn in to U.S. Senate

U.S. SENATE – Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement today after escorting Tim Sheehy for his swearing-in on the floor of the U.S. Senate: “It is an honor to be part of this historic day for Montana. On Day One, Senator Sheehy and I will get to work enacting President Trump’s agenda—securing the border, preventing a massive tax hike and strengthening our national security. Given the tragic events in New Orleans and Las Vegas this week, there is no higher priority than getting the president’s national security team confirmed and in place as soon as possible.” ### Contact: Matt Lloyd, Rachel Dumke