Daily Caller: Republicans Completely Blow Off Obama’s Budget Proposal

Congressional Republicans are completely blowing off President Barack Obama’s 2017 budget proposal, refusing to hold hearings on it because they say it would be a waste of time.

Now Democrats are calling that snub “disrespectful to all of the hard work that went into producing this expansive document.”

“President Obama’s budget is full of the same failed policies that has led our country down a path of reckless bloated spending, burdensome regulations and higher taxes,” Republican Montana Sen. Steve Daines said in a statement. “This is President Obama’s eighth consecutive unbalanced budget that only serves to bolster his liberal agenda instead of lifting up hardworking American families.”

“The American people deserve real solutions and a balanced budget — not an unworkable liberal messaging document,” Daines said.

A group of Senate Budget Committee Democrats wrote a letter to Chairman Mike Enzi Monday expressing “dismay over [his] decision to not hold a hearing on the President’s Fiscal Year 2017 budget request.”

The letter notes that “this will be the first time in the Budget Committee’s history that no such hearing has taken place.”