Second Amendment

As a lifelong sportsman, I am committed to protecting the right to bear arms for law-abiding individuals in Montana and across our country. I strongly oppose any efforts from Washington to restrict our Second Amendment rights and our way of life in Montana, and I will work to ensure that Congress protects the Constitutional rights of the thousands of Montanans who safely and lawfully possess or use a firearm.

I believe private-sale background checks, banning modern sporting rifles, semi-automatic pistols, semi-automatic shotguns, high capacity magazines, and other attachments, among other proposals, would not change the underlying problems behind violent crimes. I believe we need to strictly enforce current laws forbidding potentially dangerous persons from possessing a firearm, but I will continue to stand firmly against any proposal that undermines Montanans’ Second Amendment rights.

Daines Leads Colleagues to Crack Down on Anti-Second Amendment Woke Corporations

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines led a group of his colleagues today in introducing the “Firearm Industry Non-Discrimination Act” to stop the federal government from entering into contracts with entities that promote anti-Second Amendment policies. “The Constitution is clear—the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, especially not by woke corporations that are taking Montanans’ hard-earned taxpayer dollars. We must send a clear message to these anti-Second Amendment companies that infringing on Americans’ Constitutional rights is unacceptable,” Daines said. Read the “FIND Act” bill text HERE. Senators Jim Risch (Idaho), Cindy Hyde-Smith (Miss.), Roger Marshall (Kans.), Rick Scott (Fla.), Mike Crapo

Daines Protects Montanans’ 2nd Amendment Rights from Unelected Gun-Grabbing Bureaucrats

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines helped introduce two bills to fight back against the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) recently announced unconstitutional federal registry for firearms with stabilizing braces. “The ATF has proven time and time again that they are hellbent on carrying out President Biden and Senate Democrats’ unconstitutional gun grabbing agenda. I will not standby as Washington bureaucrats seek to strip Montanans of their constitutional rights, and this new pistol brace rule is just the next step in their plan to undermine law abiding Montanans’ right to keep and bear arms,” Daines said.  The Stop Harassing Owners of Rifles Today (SHORT) Act will remove the unconstitutional taxation, registration, and regulation of firearms such as Short

Daines Introduces Bill to Protect Montanans’ Second Amendment Rights

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced a bill to protect Montanans’ right to conceal carry firearms across state lines.  “The right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed under our Constitution—no state should be able to take that right away. My bill would ensure that every state honors Montanans’ right to self defense and the Second Amendment through concealed carry reciprocity,” Daines said.  Daines’ “Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act” would allow for those who live in a concealed carry or Constitutional carry state to carry in other states. “Senator Daines’ Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act is a critical piece of legislation that will empower gun owners

Daines Votes Against More Gun Control for Law Abiding Montanans

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today voted against the gun control bill in order to protect law-abiding Montanans’ Second Amendment rights.   Download a video statement HERE.  “To keep our kids safe, we need to be focused on securing and protecting our schools—not more gun control. While I support investing in school safety, school counseling and mental health, I do not support policies that infringe on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Montanans. I will always defend Montanans’ constitutional right to keep and bear arms,” Daines said.  ###  Contact: Rachel Dumke,  Blake Kernen  

Daines Statement on SCOTUS Decision to Defend Second Amendment Rights

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement after the Supreme Court announced its decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen to uphold Americans’ right to keep and bear arms without having to prove a specific need to exercise their constitutional right. “The United States Supreme Court’s decision today reaffirms what we already knew: the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. This decision puts an end to government intrusion into the lives of Americans looking to defend themselves and their families, and this is a huge win for law-abiding gun owners across America,” Daines

Daines, Colleagues Combat Anti-Second Amendment Woke Corporations

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines led a group of his colleagues today in introducing the “Firearm Industry Non-Discrimination Act” to stop the federal government from entering into contracts with entities that promote anti-Second Amendment policies.   “The federal government should not be in business with woke corporations that want to hinder Americans’ constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Sending hard-earned taxpayer dollars to businesses that are anti-Second Amendment is unacceptable—we must send a clear message that their woke agenda has no place here,” Daines said.  “Fighting gun violence is necessary, but the escalating anti-gun rhetoric from the left and mainstream media is already

Daines Statement on Biden’s Attack on Montanans’ Second Amendment Rights

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement on President Biden’s announcement to impose new regulations on Montana gun owners. “The Constitution is clear—Montanans have the right to keep and bear arms,” Daines said.“President Biden’s latest attack on the Second Amendment goes after law-abiding Montanans and hurts our Montana way of life. I’ll fight back against this every step of the way.”   ###  Contact: Rachel Dumke, Katie Schoettler

Daines, Colleagues Demand Answers from Biden Admin on Second Amendment Infringement

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines is leading a group of 25 senators in demanding the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) provide answers on recent actions to infringe on Americans’ Second Amendment rights by preventing law-abiding citizens from creating and owning suppressors.  In a letter to the ATF, the senators wrote, “These continued assaults of the Second Amendment threaten law-abiding Americans’ rights as they try to follow ATF guidance on making these parts. We request that the ATF provide us answers on why they are rejecting legal applications and denying law abiding citizens access to their Second

Daines Stands Up for Montanans’ Second Amendment Rights, Pushes Back Against Biden’s Effort to Increase Oversight, Regulations on Guns

U.S. SENATE — This week, U.S. Senator Steve Daines pushed back against President Biden’s attempt to infringe upon Montanans’ Second Amendment rights by joining the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), an international agreement that would increase international oversight and regulate trade in firearms. Biden’s attempt to join the ATT comes after a bipartisan majority of the U.S. Senate rejected ratifying it in 2013.    “The vague language of the ATT makes American commitments uncertain, the most concerning of which is the lack of protections for lawful gun ownership which threatens the rights afforded to Americans under the Second Amendment. Further, with an amendment process that