Fiscal Responsibility

In tough times, Montana families and businesses understand what it is like to live within their means. Washington’s culture of reckless spending and excessive borrowing is leading us down a dangerous path leaving our future generations with mountains of debt. The first bill I introduced as a member of the House and Senate, was the Balanced Budget Accountability Act. It ensures that Congress balances a budget, or members of Congress don’t get paid. It’s that simple: No balanced budget, No paycheck. 

The sustainable path to fiscal health won’t happen overnight, Congress needs to balance the budget. As a businessman, I will always work to bring commonsense to Washington, DC.

Daines Votes Against Massive Wasteful Spending, Liberal Priorities Disguised as COVID Relief

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today voted against a massive $1.9 trillion package filled to the brim with wasteful, non-COVID-19 related spending.  “I voted against wasting over $1 trillion of taxpayer money on liberal wish list priorities for President Biden, Schumer and Pelosi disguised as COVID relief. Shoveling all this money into an economy that is on the rebound is deeply irresponsible and will cause our debt to soar to new heights. Its partisanship is exceeded only by its recklessness. Montana taxpayers deserve better,” Daines said.  While only 9% of the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion package actually went to combatting the core health needs of the pandemic, it did include billions of dollars

Daines Votes No on Budget Deal, Slams Out of Control Government Spending

U.S. SENATE– U.S. Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement on his vote against increasing the federal debt ceiling and government spending:  “I voted no on the budget deal today. It is absolutely irresponsible for Washington to increase the limit on the nation’s credit card while busting the budget and increasing government spending by hundreds of billions with no effort to reform out of control spending and deficits,” Daines said. “We need reforms like my Balanced Budget Accountability Act that holds Congress accountable by withholding their pay if they don’t pass a budget that balances.” Background:  Daines has always been

Daines Applauds House Passage of the REINS Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today applauded the House passage of H.R. 427, the Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, commonsense legislation that will bring much-needed accountability and transparency to the federal regulatory process: “It’s time to rein in Washington’s overbearing, costly regulations and provide Montana families, business owners, and hardworking taxpayers with the relief they deserve,” Daines stated. “Montana small businesses know far too well the cost of Washington’s top-down unchecked ability to issue burdensome regulations. Today, the House took the necessary step forward to bring much-needed accountability to the regulatory process and I urge Senate leadership to take up

Daines Introduces First Bill: The Balanced Budget Accountability Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today introduced his first piece of Senate legislation, the Balanced Budget Accountability Act, to require that Congress passes a balanced budget – or members won’t get paid. Montana Representative Ryan Zinke and House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Luke Messer have also introduced companion legislation in the House. The Balanced Budget Accountability Act strengthens accountability in Washington and encourages members of Congress to commit to the annual budget process as required by law and pass budgets that balance within ten years. If a balanced budget is not passed by April 15—the legal requirement for Congress

Daines, Tester introduce bill to permanently ban government from taxing Internet

(U.S. Senate) –Senators Jon Tester and Steve Daines today introduced a bill to permanently ban federal, state and local governments from taxing access to the Internet. The Senators’ bill, the Internet Tax Freedom Forever Act, would permanently extend the current moratorium on taxing Internet access that is set to expire on October 1, 2015.  Montana is one of a few states that would automatically impose a 3.75 percent tax on Internet access if the moratorium is lifted. “The Internet provides instant access to information, allows small businesses to compete in a global marketplace, and strengthens education and health care,” Tester

Daines Statement on Obama’s Budget Proposal

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement in response to President Obama’s budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2016: “It’s no coincidence that the President is releasing his budget on Groundhog Day – it’s yet another budget that never balances, bursting with massive big government spending and burdensome taxes and regulations that have become the unfortunate trademark of the Obama administration. Instead of repeating the same failed agenda that has proven to be wrong for Montana, the President should join the Senate in balancing the budget and working toward commonsense solutions that encourage economic opportunity, grow good-paying

Daines Statement on President Obama’s State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement regarding President Barack Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address: “Montanans don’t need more tax increases and more government spending— we need more good-paying jobs. If the President is serious about creating jobs and growing our economy, his first step would be approving the Keystone XL pipeline.  Montanans deserve real solutions and results, not more partisan gridlock. I’ll continue fighting for commonsense, bipartisan solutions that grow our economy, lower energy prices, and put hardworking middle class Montanans first.” Video of Daines’ remarks may be viewed here.  ###