Daines Opposes Biden’s Threats to Kill Made-in-Montana Energy

U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined his Senate Republican colleagues in introducing a Congressional Review Act to challenge President Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandates that threaten to shut down Montana power plants, kill jobs and hurt American energy security. 

“While Joe Biden’s war on energy rages on, Montanans face job losses, price increases and a threat to the reliability of our electric grid because of federal mandates from the Administration’s EPA. I strongly oppose Biden’s attempts to kill made-in-Montana energy and always will,” said Daines.

To read the full text of the bill, click HERE.

Daines has been pushing back on the Biden administration’s anti-energy agenda since Day One. Read more HERE.

Last month, Senator Daines led a roundtable discussion on Biden’s war on made-in-Montana energy.

Last November, Senator Daines slammed the Clean Power Plan 2.0 rule at a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing. Watch the exchange HERE.