Daines Leads Letter to VA Following Recent Report that Veterans are Incapable of Making Their Own Health Care Decisions   

U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-Mont.) led Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) in sending a letter today to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) highlighting concerns regarding the VA’s recent “Red Team” Executive Roundtable Report that only serves to reinforce questionable practices by the VA to the detriment of veterans. Discrepancies in the report highlight the VA’s unethical limitation of veteran access to community care networks.

“This report’s criticism of the popularity of community care reflects the VA’s mentality that the average veteran is incapable of making their own health care decisions. These findings are indicative of an effort to restructure VCCP and veteran community care access standards, instead of being the impartial fact-finding mission that it should be. The VA’s eagerness to cast aside this country’s rural veterans in favor of protecting the VA bureaucracy is unacceptable.”

“This administration continually places the burden of reforms on the back of those who have faithfully served our nation. At the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Hearing on the FY25 VA Budget on May 1, 2024, you stated that you had not yet seen the report, however, I’m sure it will be on your desk before long. I expect the VA to provide a timely response to my concerns and detail how you intend to protect our veteran’s access to the community health care options they deserve.”

Download the letter HERE.