Daines, Ogles Introduce Bicameral Bill to Deny Taxpayer-Funded Pensions to Child Predators

Bill Introduced on Anniversary of Conviction of Felon who Molested Montana Children, including on Blackfeet Reservation 

U.S. CONGRESS – U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Congressman Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.-05) today introduced the bicameral “Denying Pensions to Convicted Child Molesters Act” to prevent convicted child predators from receiving government-funded pensions.

“Despite several warning signs, Stanley Weber was allowed to continue unspeakable abuse of young Montanans for years while IHS turned a blind eye,” Daines said. “Even after being convicted of sexually abusing children, Weber was collecting a government pension—this is absurd. It’s past time we pass my bill to fix this flawed system.”

“There are few things more heinous than the sexual abuse of a child, and yet, these crimes often receive a slap on the wrist in comparison to the havoc they wreak on their victims. Under current law, federal employees who are found guilty of molesting children are still able to receive their federal, taxpayer-funded pensions. This is simply unacceptable, and I’m proud to join Senator Daines in his efforts to ban these evil people from receiving a wage at the taxpayer expense in the House,” Ogles said.

Introduction of this bill comes on the fifth anniversary of Stanley Patrick Weber’s conviction. Weber is a former U.S. Indian Health Services (IHS) pediatrician, member of the U. S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and convicted child molester who abused children for decades, including on the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana. In prison, he was earning a $98,285.64 taxpayer funded pension.

For bill text, click HERE.

Daines has spent years working to ensure child predators are not receiving taxpayer-funded pensions.