ICYMI | New Daines Op-Ed On Drag Shows for Kids at Military Bases, Other Woke Biden Policies Weakening Our Military 

Chinese Spy Balloons over our Bases and Drag Shows in them – Montana is Ground Zero for Biden’s Wokeness & Weakness

By: Senator Steve Daines

May 5th, 2023


Social “equity” warriors believe America is infected with systemic racism and social inequity and are working relentlessly to impose their radical, woke agenda on every aspect of society, including the military. Their use of the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress to enact their agenda through legislative and regulatory action is having dire consequences that are on full display for the entire country to see. 


It is particularly disturbing for me to see evidence of the left’s agenda at work at Montana’s own Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls. The 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom controls 150 ICBMs, the most powerful nuclear weapons known to mankind. In June 2021 the base hosted — and promoted on official media — a “Drag Story Time” for children followed by a drag show. 


When asked about the drag show at Malmstrom during a congressional hearing in March, General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he was unaware of such events occurring and said they “should not be happening.” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said drag shows are not something that the Department of Defense funds.  

Yet in a formal response to my pointed questions, the Pentagon said, “Event spaces on the installation are made available to military-affiliated individuals and installation-recognized private organizations to host events with a variety of themes.” 


Sadly, not even our military academies are immune to the left’s influence as they are encouraging students to study the tenets of critical race theory. The Air Force Academy is policing the everyday language of cadets, going as far as to discourage the use of “offensive” terms like “mom” and “dad.” 


It’s past time for Congress to flex its Article 1 power and hold the administration accountable through the power of the purse and when drafting the next National Defense Authorization Act. In addition, I am introducing legislation to prohibit the funding of “adult cabaret performances” on military bases. 


Our country’s original motto, “E Pluribus Unum” or “Out of Many, One,” reflects the extraordinary strength and power of a diverse American people that’s unified in purpose and core values. But in true irony, radical activists and their allies in the Biden administration seek to stifle viewpoints that run contrary to their own — regardless of the cost. 


My hope is that they hold the Biden administration and its enablers in Congress responsible.  

The security of our nation depends on it. 

Contact: Matt LloydRachel DumkeBlake Kernen