Daines Statement on SCOTUS Vaccine Mandate Rulings

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today made the following statement after the Supreme Court ruled in the cases on President Biden’s vaccine mandates for private businesses and for healthcare workers. The Court blocked Biden’s mandate on private businesses and upheld the mandate on health care workers.

“President Biden’s private sector mandate is an extreme federal overreach, and I’m glad to see the Supreme Court step in to make that clear. Biden’s mandate on private businesses would have forced Montanans out of work and forced some businesses to close their doors. While I’m pro-vaccine, I’m strongly anti-mandate. This should be a decision between Montanans and their doctor, not the federal government,” Daines said. “I am disappointed that the Court did not block Biden’s vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. This mandate is threatening to close Montana hospitals and limit patient access to essential care. I’ll continue working in Congress to protect our healthcare heroes against this harmful mandate.”

In December 2021, Daines led the effort in the Senate legislative effort to rescind President Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate against private businesses passed the U.S. Senate.

In December 2021, Daines introduced another legislative effort to block President Biden’s Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) vaccine mandate for Montana healthcare workers.



Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler