Daines’ Push for In-Person Learning for New Students at Montana Job Corps Pays Off

U.S. SENATE — Following an aggressive push by U.S. Senator Steve Daines, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) today announced the reopening of new student enrollment for in-person learning and training at Montana Job Corps centers. The announcement follows Daines’ successful push last fall to have existing students return to in-person learning. 

“Montana’s Job Corps centers provide valuable hands-on training and educational opportunities that are best experienced in-person. I’m glad to see the Department of Labor finally listen to my request and allow new students to join their peers in the classroom which will help prepare them to fill good-paying jobs that boost Montana’s economy,” Daines said.

In May, Daines urged the Biden administration to allow new students to join the Anaconda and Trapper Creek Job Corps in-person. 


In September 2020, Daines’ push to allow students enrolled at Montana Job Corps centers to safely return for in-person learning was also successful.

In 2019, Daines introduced a bill to prevent the removal of funds from Job Corps centers across the country.

Earlier in 2019, Daines saved the Anaconda Job Corps by speaking directly with President Trump and receiving a commitment that it would remain open and under the Department of Agriculture.



Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler