Daines: Any New Missile Treaties Should Include China

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced a Senate resolution stating any treaty that limits the United States’ ballistic missile arsenal must impose the same limits on both Russia and China, and it must be subject to consent from the U.S. Senate.

“Since the United States first entered the INF treaty with Russia, China has been developing and building an arsenal of ballistic missiles,” Daines said. “Any treaty moving forward must hold both Russia and China to the same standards, and it must be approved by the Senate according to the Constitution.”

Read the resolution HERE.


The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty which reduced the number of short, medium and intermediate range ballistic missiles between the United States and the former Soviet Union first took effect on June 1st, 1988. After Russia continually violated the treaty, President Trump withdrew the United States in 2019.

Within two weeks of taking office, President Biden renewed the New START treaty, capping the total number of U.S. warheads while allowing China to grow is arsenal unabated.

As China continues to grow its nuclear arsenal, it is critical they are included in future arms controls agreements. 


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler