Daines Slams Becerra for Pro-Abortion Agenda, Attacks on Religious Freedom, Support for Open Borders & Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today took President Biden’s Health and Human Services (HHS) nominee Xavier Becerra to task for his attacks on religious liberty, pro-abortion agenda, support for open borders, and stance on providing taxpayer funded healthcare to illegal immigrants. 

Becerra Nom

To watch, click HERE.

Becerra refused to answer Daines’ questions about his support for abortion including selective abortion for babies with Down syndrome and partial-birth abortion. To watch the exchange, click HERE.


Daines questioned Becerra on his attacks on religious freedom throughout his time as California’s Attorney General including on the Little Sisters of the Poor. Becerra dodged. To watch the exchange, click HERE.


Daines also pressed Becerra on his support for open borders and his stance on providing illegal immigrants with taxpayer funded healthcare. Becerra failed to recognize the damage the far-left policies would have on Montana. To watch the exchange, click HERE. 


Earlier this week, Daines sent a letter to President Biden urging he withdraw Becerra’s nomination for his radical agenda. Click HERE to read the full letter.