Daines Introduces Slate of Bills to Combat Sanctuary Cities in Montana

U.S. SENATE— U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced several bills to help combat sanctuary cities in Montana. The bills better equip law enforcement and will help protect innocent Montanans from illegal aliens harboring in Montana.

“Violent criminals and illegal aliens are using sanctuary cities as a safe haven in Montana and across the country. This must be stopped,” Daines said. “It’s simple. Sanctuary cities are against the law, and innocent Montanans are dealing with the dangers that come with them. We need to help our law enforcement combat these illegal safe havens and hold individuals who are supporting them accountable.”

A sanctuary jurisdiction is a state or locality that forbids its local law enforcement from:

  • Sharing information with federal immigration officials,
  • Complying with an immigration detainer.

List of bills Daines has introduced this Congress:

“Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act”: This bill would withhold certain non-law enforcement federal grant funds from sanctuary cities. These jurisdictions forbid their local law enforcement officers from cooperating with federal immigration officials. 

Read the full text HERE.

“Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act”: This bill would prevent sanctuary states, which do not share criminal alien data with the federal government, or which allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, from accessing federal grants.

Read the full text HERE.

“Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act”: This bill provides an individual, or an individual’s family, who has been harmed by sanctuary jurisdiction policies the ability to bring a civil suit against a state that did not honor a lawful immigration detainer request from the Department of Homeland Security.

Read the full text HERE.

“Immigration Detainer Enforcement Act”: This bill will clarify the Department of Homeland Security’s detainer authority, clearly establish the authority of states and localities to maintain custody in cases in which a detainer has been issued, and incentivize cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the Department through the reimbursement of certain detention, technology, and litigation-related costs.

Read the full text HERE.