Daines Introduces Bill to Prevent Child Predators from Receiving Government Pensions

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced a bill to prevent convicted pedophiles from receiving a federal government pension.

Daines discussed the bill, the Denying Pensions to Convicted Child Molesters Act, in a U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee hearing with Rear Admiral Michael Weahkee, the Principal Deputy Director of the Indian Health Service (IHS).

 IHS Hearing

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“Despite numerous reported suspicions of Weber’s inappropriate behavior, IHS turned a blind eye and enabled Weber to continue his unspeakable actions for years,” Daines said. “It’s shocking that a government employee can still receive a pension after being convicted of sexually abusing children. That is unacceptable, which is why I will take action and introduce a bill today to fix this flawed system.”

Daines’ bill comes in response to Stanley Patrick Weber, a former IHS pediatrician who was recently convicted for sexually abusing children on the Blackfeet Reservation. Weber reportedly receives around $100,000 per year for his government pension. Under current law, he will continue receiving his pension for life, including during his time in federal prison.


Yesterday, IHS responded to Daines’ February letter by outlining the steps being taken to demand accountability for Weber.

On March 28, Daines sent a letter to HHS urging Weber be stripped of his federal pension.

In March, a report showed that Weber could receive nearly $2 million while serving in prison.

On February 21, Daines sent a letter to IHS demanding answers on Weber, a former IHS pediatrician recently convicted of sexually molesting children while working on the Blackfeet Reservation.
