Daines’ office working to help UM student detained in China

Zhengzhou, China –

A spokesperson for Senator Steve Daines says they are working with the Chinese government to free a University of Montana student who was detained in China earlier this week.

Guthrie McLean is accused of assaulting a cab driver on June 10 in Zhengzhou, China. 

Daines’ press secretary Katie Waldman says the senator is “Working at all levels of the Chinese Government to free McLean.”

Waldman confirmed that the US Consulate in Wuhan will meet with McLean. She says that the US Embassy, Chinese Embassy and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs are all coordinating with police in Henan and Zhengzhou to expedite the investigation into McLean’s case.

Waldman also says the senator has been in communication with the Chinese Ambassador to the US, Cui Tiankai on the matter.