Daines, Tester react to President Trump’s budget proposal

The White House sent its $4.1 trillion dollar spending plan to Capitol Hill Tuesday.

President Donald Trump is looking to balance the budget in 10 years with big spending cuts and faster economic growth.

That includes an almost $3.6 trillion dollars in cuts to programs including Medicaid, food stamps, and Social Security Disability insurance.

“We looked at his budget through the eye of the people who are actually paying the bills,” said Mick Mulvaney, White House budget director. “We are not kicking anybody off of any program who really needs it. We have plenty of money in this country to take care of the people who need help. “

Lawmakers have different ideas about what the budget should look like and they control the purse strings.

Both of Montana senators reacted.

“Washington, D.C. spends money it doesn’t have. Montana families, small businesses and the Montana Legislature all balance their budget: Washington, D.C. needs to do the same,” Sen. Steve Daines stated in a press release.

Meanwhile Sen. Jon Tester blasted the budget proposal.

“This budget is irresponsible and will hurt rural America and Montana’s economy, while giving tax cuts to the wealthy and wasting billions on an ineffective wall,” stated Tester. “We need to reduce wasteful spending and get a handle on our debt, but this budget doesn’t do that– it will hurt Montana farmers and ranchers, cut benefits to America’s veterans, and dismantle public education.”

The budget assumes a three percent economic growth. While economists have expressed concern that number is unattainable, the White House says critiques are being pessimistic.

The budget does include a new domestic initiative championed by the President’s daughter Ivanka; $25 billion dollars to fund a new six-week parental leave program.