Daines Applauds Senate Passage of Legislation Stopping WOTUS Rule

Reaffirms Commitment to Stopping Obama Administration Overreach

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today applauded the bipartisan Senate passage of legislation nullifying the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) greatly expanded Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule and reaffirmed his commitment to stopping the Obama administration’s overreach through any means possible. 

“Today a bipartisan Senate spoke loud and clear: President Obama’s Waters of the United States power grab is unacceptable and infringes on the rights of our farmers, ranchers and landowners,” Daines stated. “But the fight to protect Americans from the Obama administration’s extreme overreach isn’t over. I’m thankful that 31 states, including Montana, are fighting against this power grab in the courts and have been granted a temporary nationwide stay on this rule. I will continue to forcefully fight against President Obama’s power grabs, just as forcefully as they are trying to control Montanans’ way of life.” 

Last night, Daines took to the Senate floor to discuss his work to stop the Obama administration’s overreach and its devastating impacts on Montana jobs, natural resources and agriculture industries and Montana property rights.

Click here to download Daines’ remarks.

Click here to watch Daines’ remarks. 

Earlier this morning, Daines also appeared on FOX Business to stand up for the rights of land owners, ranchers and farmers across the country. 

Daines’ efforts to stop President Obama’s egregious power grab were applauded across Montana, including by the Montana Chamber of Commerce, Montana Stockgrowers Assocation, Montana Grain Growers Association, Montana Farm Bureau, Montana Wool Growers Association, Montana Mining Association, Montana Petroleum Association and the Montana Building Industry.
