Daines, Zinke Call on Missoula City Council to Withdraw Proposed Gun Control Ordinance

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines and Representative Ryan Zinke today called on the Missoula City Council to withdraw a proposed ordinance that would intrude upon the Constitutional rights of law-abiding firearm owners in Missoula.

In a letter sent today to Missoula Mayor John Engen and the Missoula City Council, Daines and Zinke conveyed their concerns that the proposal would violate Montanans’ Second Amendment rights and place additional burdens on law-abiding Montanans, while doing little to prevent violent crime. 

“We write to express our strong concerns with the Missoula City Council Public Safety and Health Committee’s substantial intrusion into the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners through its proposed expansion of regulations on private firearm transfers,” Daines and Zinke wrote. “While we value local decision making, it is essential that policies at every level of government uphold the rights granted to all Americans under the U.S. Constitution. Therefore we feel obligated on this rare occasion to express our opposition to the misguided ordinance, which would create unnecessary burdens on law-abiding Montanans while proving ineffective in preventing violent crime.”

Daines’ and Zinke’s full letter is available here.