KMMS: Zinke and Daines Respond to House Passage of the REINS Act

Today, Congressman Ryan Zinke voted in favor of the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2015 or REINS Act. REINS requires that any new major regulation will have to be voted on by Congress and signed by the President. A “major regulation” is defined as any regulation having an economic impact of $100 million or more. A bipartisan majority of the House approved the measure 243-165.

“One of the founding pillars of our nation was ‘no taxation without representation’ and yet, that’s exactly what the administration is doing every time they implement a new costly rule or regulation that bypasses Congress. The REINS Act is a critical tool in stopping this backdoor taxing and overreach of the federal government,” said Rep. Zinke. “For example, just a few months ago, the EPA released the Waters of the United States regulations which are estimated to cost taxpayers up to $465 million annually, according to the administration’s own estimates. Under the REINS Act, the EPA, and all other executive branch agencies, would be required to submit regulations like WOTUS through Congress.’

Sen. Steve Daines:

“It’s time to rein in Washington’s overbearing, costly regulations and provide Montana families, business owners, and hardworking taxpayers with the relief they deserve,” Daines stated. “Montana small businesses know far too well the cost of Washington’s top-down unchecked ability to issue burdensome regulations. Today, the House took the necessary step forward to bring much-needed accountability to the regulatory process and I urge Senate leadership to take up and pass this measure.”

The REINS Act, which Daines is cosponsor of in the Senate, gives Congress an up or down vote on any major new Obama administration regulations